← Return to Tropical Island Escape 16x16px Platformer Asset Pack (Alpha)
- October 21, 2020 by Asymmetric#Tropical Island, #2D, #16x16, #Island asset pack, #Pixel Art, #Platformer asset packCHANGES: Added SFX for the Coin Recolored the Huts roof Added 2 New Pirates Finished Pirate 4s Right Walk animation Recolored the wood to just a single color Added the new separate sprites to be able... Continue reading
- October 27, 2019 by Asymmetric#Pixel art, #Asset pack, #2D, #2D Asset pack, #16x16, #Tropical IslandWhat's up everyone! I've been beyond busy with my irl life, but I've gotten to add a few things to the asset pack. Mostly just some vegetation, and I've also made a video on youtube sort of explaining... Continue reading
- August 15, 2019 by Asymmetric#16x16, #asset-pack, #tropical island asset pack, #2d, #pixel art, #platformer, #WIPSo i got to adding another tile type, vegetation, and a little hut or shack house. I'm still working on making the roof for the house and it's not exactly turning out the way I thought. I'm trying to... Continue reading
- July 30, 2019 by Asymmetric#Tropical-Island-asset-pack, #asset-pack, #16bit, #16x16, #pixel-art, #2D, #WIPWith these dev logs I plan on showcasing some of the things and ideas I plan on putting into this asset pack, as well as asking for feedback and ideas from you the community on what should be changed... Continue reading